New years goals

I’ve never been one to set myself new years resolutions, not for any particular reason, I just don’t. However, last year I set myself several goals and/or challenges.

I’ve never been one to set myself new years resolutions, not for any particular reason, I just don’t. However, last year I set myself several goals and/or challenges.

  1. Read 12 books in 12 months
  2. 12 blog posts

So how did I go?

12 books in 12 months

Well, I thought I was tracking alright until I started December with Principles by Ray Dalio, I soon realised that I was going to miss my deadline. As new years eve arrived I still had 120 pages to go. Although I was pleased with my progress throughout the year, one small part of me was dissapointed that I missed the mark… That was until I thought I’d take a photo of all the books I had read:

So instead of being 120 pages short of my goal, I was actually 400 pages ahead. Needless to say I was quite happy with that result.

12 blog posts

There was no coincidence that I aimed for 12 posts whilst reading 12 books, without restricting the content I was to write about, I figured I could at least do a write up of each book. Well… This one didn’t quite come to fruition. A total of 8 out of 12 posts last year, not a complete failure but not quite hitting the mark, plenty of room to improve.

2019 Goals

So what are the goals for this year?

  1. More than 12 new blog posts (not including this one)
  2. 4 Tech talks, public speaking
  3. 10 new photo prints

Blog posts

I know I missed the mark last year, but this year I aim to be more vigilant on this one, if I am to make the most of this platform

Tech talks

Last year I was fortunate enough to perform a talk on a topic that interested me at the time, and had a ball doing it. The energy I got from doing this talk made me want to tackle even more. These talks will should also coincide with my first goal above


This one is more of a personal challenge. Over the years I haven’t dedicated as much time to photography as I have in the past, and with the renovations going on at home, I’ve decided we need some new prints for the walls.